Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Magic the Gathering News Vol 7: Bannings, Arrivals and Lots, Lots more.

Hello all and welcome back to another edition of the monthly wrap up, this is volume 7 just in time for Magic 2012's arrival which occurs in just a few weeks, let's go over some of the month's big events, the bannings of Jace, the Mind Sculptor and Stoneforge Mystic were perhaps the biggest pieces of news and still kinda rings in my ears as of this point, Magic Weekend Nagoya was pretty intruging as well, ended up being a fun fest for all players who play limited, along with the arrival of Commander in store shelves on June 17th, i'll even talk about my experiences with the deck i got, so let's go.

As always with a banning means a deck or two gets thrown out the window, not in this case it's like 3 decks get thrown out the window, Caw-Blade, Blue/White Control and of course Black/Blue Control, which has such stuff like Grave Titan, Creeping Tar Pit and more. Bannings can effect the state of the game but none more so then the announcement on June 20th, with the bannings of both Jace the Mind Sculptor and Stoneforge Mystic were kinda heavy in standard, the two most dominate worldwake cards in existence both get banned the same day, along with a little side announcement, if you purchased the War of Attrition precon deck from New Phyrexia you're allowed to keep it as it is but if you change it you must take the Mystics out of the list and add something else into their respective slots, does this effect me, no but it effects most of the population as the last official tournament that we saw Caw-Blade in was a Star City Games open series tourney held the last weekend of June, other then that the bannings i thought were much needed, kinda late but much needed since of course Jace and Mystic were the two cards that made caw-blade a force to be reckoned with in standard with it dominating most of the top 8's for the past 6 months, it's about time you did a banning right and proper wizards, that is all i have to say about that one.

Anyways onto the next piece of news which is Magic Weekend Nagoya which happened to be a limited event, for those who don't know what Limited is it's a draft format which takes place usually once every year on the pro circuit believe it or not this was a decent event though i did not get a chance to check out the coverage yet due to spoiler season/commander launch but a huge congrats go to David Sharfman for winning it all on a PT weekend of all things, now with that said let's review the last thing on the agenda the Commander Launch Parties

Commander or EDH as it's more commonly known is a singleton format which decks consist of 1 general and 99 other cards which support the general and follow the basics of construction which are 1) Only cards that go with your general's color identity can be placed into the deck 2) You may only have 1 of each copy of card in a deck at any given time, 3) Generals exist as Legendary Creatures which start in a exile zone away from your deck, to build a commander deck you need to focus it around a general. There being plenty of legends in magic today there wasn't a problem, now they've made it easier for people to get started to play EDH or commander or whatever the hell you wanna call it, with wizards launching the Commander Precon decks which are 5 100 card decks each with various color schemes/new commanders/brand new cards made entirely for this format, i happened to get my hands on a commander deck but i will be taking a look at it in a future article, the decks went on sale as of June 17th, 2011 and were priced at 29.99 though most LGS's might be sold out of them at this point, but never fear this doesn't have a limited print run, in fact i'd go so far to say this will see a year or 2 of print then slowly fade away before wizards decides to bring out the next big detail, anyways with that being said that's all for the June wrap up edition of the Emporium due to time constraints, so till next time this is vergil signing off

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