Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Banned and Restricted List Update: December 20th, 2011

It's that time again, hello everyone and welcome to this special edition of the emporium, yes it's the quarterly bannings and unbannings period in magic, this particular edition we have 2 cards to talk about being banned which are Punishing Fire and Wild Nacatl believe it or not, so let's get down to the bannings as a whole

In all the other formats today nothing got banned believe it or not, Standard hardly needs a ban enforced, Legacy just had one, Vintage well it's up in the air as far as i am aware, Modern is a whole different story wizards is basically just saying ban 1 card from a good deck now, and those two are the two affore mentioned cards stated above. Let's see the reason why Nacatl is banned first off, so as stated in this article ---> B&R List Explanation  nacatl is banned due to the fact it's just a really good creature that blocks and attacks well as well it is a component of Zoo which is pretty dominant so banning this card actually gives Zoo a lot less options in terms of anything, i don't see why this should have been banned honestly but it's Wizard's call on this one.

Punishing Fire however i understand got banned for a specific reason since it was part of a combo with Grove of the Burnwillows but this combination of cards as stated is a "Very slow and reliable win condition" as well as being "Devastating to creature decks that rely on 2 toughness creatures". In all honesty this should have been banned prior to this announcement, here's when this changes kick in for tournament magic.

Announcement Date: December 20th, 2011
Effective Date: January 1st, 2012
Magic Online Effective Date: December 21st, 2011

So for you magic online players this is your last chance to play those cards in modern, before you see the ban hammer for them, for the full statistics go to the following link --> B&R List Announcement

But for now this is vergil saying, adios for 2011 in terms of magic updates, see you at the year end wrap up on December 31st 2011 and remember have fun playing magic it's only a game, this is vergil signing off.

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