Thursday, February 24, 2011

Casual Deck Examination: #1 Esper White/Blue/Black

So for the duration of the article i'm going to go over a casual deck i've build in the recent month or so, due to the fact we've got a group going at a local store called 401 games where we meet one day a week and just chill and hang out while playing magic this is the start of the analysis of the decks i run while just playing casual starting with a successful deck of mine Esper Ala A Mode [Version 2 Revived] let's break the list out shall we?

Creatures = 22
4 Darklit Gargoyle
4 Tower Gargoyle
2 Sharding Sphinx
2 Sphinx Summoner
4 Court Homunclus
3 Sanctum Gargoyle
3 Master of Etherium

Support = 14
3 Infest
4 Counterspell
4 Esper Charm
3 Celestial Purge

Lands = 23
4 Arcane Sanctum
2 Esper Panorama
2 Creeping Tar Pit
5 Islands
6 Plains
4 Swamp

Now i get the fun part of going over why each of the cards are here, first let's take a look at the rares for the deck in the form of Master of Etherium, Sphinx Summoner and of course Sharding Sphinx, The Master of Etherium should be pretty obvious it makes dudes bigger and the more artifacts you control the bigger it gets, at a 3 CMC creature it's a beast when it hits the board along side a turn 2 Court Homunclus swinging in for a beatstick with 3 or perhaps a turn 2 Darklit Gargoyle swinging in for 3, most of the time though it ends up being 3 points of damage on turn 3 when this is brought out, 3 points in the air no less, that's why this deck is good it has plenty of evasion and eventually provides a lot of dudes that are decent power and toughness.

Next it's onto my favorite rare of the deck Sharding Sphinx at a whopping 6 mana cost this dude is a beast for what you pay for, fetch him turn 5 with Summoner and play him turn 6 swing with all your dudes make chump blockers as well when you deal combat damage it's a boss card which should not be overlooked when it enters the battlefield as a 4/4 flyer it's basically a token generator and would provide a decent amount of little 1/1 dudes for it's cost, it's basically a smaller version of Thopter Assembly which was recently introduced in standard with the latest set of Mirrodin Besieged. Though it's still vunerable to removal spells like Day of Judgement, Wrath of God and even Swords to Plowshares, it's still a decent card when you get down to it and would be the annoyance of any opponent this deck ends up facing.

Sphinx Summoner or as i like to call it, mr fetch any artifact in the deck is a decent rare himself a 3/3 body and when it hits the board it fetches a dude of your choice aka Sharding. Master or even a 4/4 Tower Gargoyle. underrated though as he is this is perhaps the single greatest threat in the deck as it's fetching ability means those valuable slots for cards like Demonic Tutor, Diabolic Tutor or even Vampiric Tutor are rendered useless though it could only fetch artifacts half this deck is artifacts so there is no need for concern. Again it may die quick but there is always a way to bring it back in the form of Sanctum Gargoyle to annoy your opponent and fetch your tower gargoyles or even another Sharding Sphinx.

The uncommons for the deck are pretty basic, Infest to sweep the board when your dudes are big enough, white weenie hates board sweepers, Sanctum Gargoyle for recursion, tower gargoyle for a beatstick, with a decent amount of commons to back em up in the forms of Darklit Gargoyle, Court and even Esper Charm, Purge and Counterspell for those little control elements, but your probably saying but vergil why no mana leak it's 1 and a blue instead of a double blue, i want to stop a threat before it hits the board not have to worry bout when a opponent decides to pay 3 mana to counter the mana leak, plain and simple.

Lands are a key factor here with 2 Creeping Tar Pit to spend that mana on once in a while and make a 3/2 unblockable beatstick, Esper Panorama to provide the mana fix and even some Arcane Sanctum to fix the mana further, with some basics as the targets for the Panorama's it's pretty basic and this deck can be easily constructed for about less then 50 or 60 bucks these days, depending if you do not already have all the cards, this is a beast of a multiplayer deck and allows you to sit back and make threats while your opponents take on each other, though there are a few issues this deck is pretty solid in the long run and is a lot of fun to play, hope you enjoyed the insight of a man whom used to play competitve and now has just stopped playing competitions to have a little fun since that's what the game is all about, till next time this is vergil saying, Artificers are your best friend in casual build don't be afraid, this is vergil signing off.

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