Sunday, February 13, 2011

Tezzert, Agent of Bolas: Why are you so good in standard

That's right for this article tezzert agent of bolas will get a feature and believe me it's quite a long one, in the article i intend to discuss the fact he's popping up in every blue/black control build regardless, as well as the fact he's getting more expensive as the days go by, plus even give a little insight on what things may shape up to be like with another broken walker like him on the fields of the standard scene, so let's begin this little hell hole.

First i want to go over the price of this particular planeswalker, which recently has seen high rises of the 50 dollar mark for one copy of this card, it is that insane, for a card that has not seen a lot of tournament play except for perhaps the most recent stuff it sure is overpriced i mean the general idea of this card is it works with artifacts and what's better then artifacts, control and control as we may recall is slightly overpowered for it's time. Though i must admit seeing another small set walker like this take the standard field so quickly not even 2 weeks after it's official release date is quite surprising though kind of expected, plus most online retailers are settling for selling him at 50 to 60 dollars per copy these days, as was proven by starcitygames and channel fireball

I mean the list he's featured in is so broken, plenty of 1 or 2 drop artifacts leading into him ramping on turn 3 with cards like Sphere of the Suns or Prophetic Prism to get that extra card, then turn things into 5/5 attackers/blockers and sit back and let the rest get done, even digging in with his +1 ability to fetch extra artifacts when you've got enough to do the job, usually though 1 or 2 animated artifacts is enough to do the job in most cases so why do people play him, just to be competitve in most tournaments for crying out loud, he's gotta be the most broken walker besides Jace, the Mind Sculptor to even hit the standard scene, thank god jace is rotating out in 8 more months though. but to drop 200-250 bucks on a playset of these boys is ridiclous, standard is becoming the most expensive format to play in, thank god though for decks like White weenie and Kuldotha Red to balance out the field for those cheap builds otherwise this would end up being a game no one plays aside from competitve tournaments.

So i ask you people is it worth it to spend 200-250 bucks on a playset of Tezzert, Agent of Bolas when you could essentially make 3 really better aggro decks for that price, the answer is no not in my eyes when he drops and or if he drops in price to a cheap walker he might be worth it, but to those whom have him good luck, hold onto those copies and when september comes round sell em at a high price you'll make a decent buck, that's all for now on this little rant of the latest walker to come off wizard's of the coast's print line till next time this is vergil signing off.

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