Monday, June 13, 2011

Magic 2012 Update Part 5: Lords and lots of fun to be had

Hello everyone and welcome back to another M12 update, this update has a few things to speak off, a new lord, some returning friends and hell even some basis for a core set, finally we get the good stuff, so let's take a look first at the newest lord on the block Lord of the Unseen

Are you kidding me, this guy makes illusions untargetable, is a 2/2 and gives them +1/+1 at the rare level, note the D12 symbol but since Magic 2012 and duels 2012 are tied together this was confirmed to be so, not bad for a Human wizard personally that costs a mere 2 blue mana to summon, this and the recently spoiled stuff of Phantasmal Dragon and that bear seems like Illusions may be a new tribe, we will have to wait and see, anyhoo onto some reprints, remember the core set is always gonna be about 50% reprints roughly here are a few of the said reprints of this set the first one being Day of Judgment. I do not need to show a picture of this since we've seen this twice before once in Zendikar and once in M11 which turned out to be the new sweeper spell for white, replacing a old favorite Wrath of God which saw it's last print in M10. The other old favorite returning happens to be another lord in the form of Elvish Archdruid yes elves have their lord again for this set and it's not really a surprise to be quite honest it's more expected since i think core sets give wizards a chance to reprint old favorites, who knows with elves and that we are seeing a tribal theme with this particular set, Vampires for black, Red has Goblins, Blue with illusions, White has griffins and green of course has elves, not bad for a core set.

Lastly there was a card that surfaced recently from Pro Tour Nagoya which is a black rare called Obstinacy which may or may not be it's true name but still here's the photo of the card in question

Yes it's in japanese and i have the translation for you all, it's a sorcery that costs 5 mana to use and states choose target player, that player chooses one card in his/her hand and discards the rest, you're kidding me right this kind of spell hasn't been printed since Shadowmoor with Tyrannize and now wizards are gonna start printing these type of spells again, dear god help us all, well that's it for today's M12 update, stay tuned tommorow for more M12 news and such, remember in 4 days commander drops onto store shelves are you ready for it, this is vergil signing off.

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