Tuesday, July 6, 2010

M11 Draft Recommendations and Ideas

Now you may be wondering where is the usual FNM article for this week, there isn't going to be one due to the fact the prerelease is only 4 days away as of this point, now i wanted to touch on the newest core set, M11 or as most call it Magic 2011, which features 249 cards, with 26 of them lands, so let's begin with the calculations of the amount of rares you are gonna get starting with the basic gold rares you find at the end of each booster pack.

Now for every booster you get 1 Rare card in it, 2 if you get a foil rare, which is 1 in every box at least, but most of the time they will be basic lands and such, so keep this in mind when drafting, since the odds of getting what you want are 6 in 52 for normal rares and for the mythics of this set it's always gonna be 1 in 15 for each 6 packs, due to their being 36 packs per box, rounding it out to a official number of 6 per box sometimes, now for those rare drafters this means getting the card you want and need for a deck is usually 1 in 52 since you got a slim chance to get the card your deck needs to run effectively, most of the times though it's gonna be a junk rare keep that in mind when drafting.

Now let's also talk FNM standard drafting, 3 packs means you get 3 rares in those three packs the odds of getting a rare you need are halved in general standards, so this means .5 out of 52 times you'll get the card you want passed to you, which is like almost impossible to draft correctly, usually most drafters only take 2 rares at the maximum, with the 3rd on the sideboard for emergencies, meaning of course your deck will have 2/40 slots filled already, with at least 18 different lands in a deck, sometimes 16 to 17 depending on the mana curve.

Since that's outta the way let's talk prerelease drafting then, since prerelease drafting is a bit different from the regular FNM drafting most are used to, you get your standard 6 packs for entry into the event, which usually is held at a local retailer store, being in your neighbourhood or something like that, if your retailer decides to place a limit on the amount of entrants like mine do, at a limit of 64 people, it's understandable since the size of the shop depends on how many show up, but usually a lot show up for the event and to get their hands on some sweet new cards wizards created for this game.

Finally i wish to touch on the deckbuilding aspect, now the majority will go for the most powerful, most aggresive archetype for this set, some will tend to go for control, some might even go for fast victories in the form of burn/lifegain, whatever the deck you decide to build for the event, ensure to yourself you've got a solid strategy for it, if it is a green aggro with splashing black, it's all good, since you got the weaknessess of each deck color covered if you get the right cards, remember don't always rare draft, if it's a good rare that works with the deck you get, then use it, if not set it aside in your sideboard and see how the deck works without the card in question, but from a fellow magic player, i wish everyone playing the best of luck for this tournament and whatever the outcome is have fun.

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