Wednesday, July 21, 2010

M11 Thoughts after Release

Ok as everyone knows it's about that time for my final thoughts on M11 as a whole here are the top ten cards i feel from this set that will impact standard at least for the time

Lightning Bolt - This is no question the best burn spell in existence 1 Red mana for 3 damage to anything, best burn ever, anyone who is playing red or some variant of it, 4 copies is always recommended for quick devestation in the game.

Mana Leak - Quite possibly the most busted ass counter spell ever printed, 1 and a blue mana for countering unless the opponent pays 3, great i like it, as a blue player of course i love counter spells no question the best thing in existence since well time warp, too bad that's not coming back but there is another variant of it returning

Birds of Paradise - Who doesn't love mana ramp anymore, not me, with the 12th incarnation of this card green has a reason to branch out again, could we see the G/W ramp into baneslayer angel perhaps, it's always possible, speaking of baneslayer it's next

Baneslayer Angel - With it's return it finally drops in price from 50 dollars to 30, good about time, now all i gotta do is pick up a playset which is cheaper now, same busted ass card, same bat time, though i could see this not getting reprinted a 2nd time perhaps?

Call to Mind - Why does this set remind me of ass kicking combos, this with pyromancer ascension and time warp, see the article here ----> Article which explains this combo in further detail, this seems like the key combo card everyone was waiting for, though this one will only be legal for 2 months since time warp didn't get reprinted, sucks to be M10 players, but better for M11.

Time Reversal - Why this set has 4 good cards in blue IMO of course is beyond me, but i'm not complaining, this little gem in conjuction with just about anything makes for a sick game, literally i would think wizards was on crack when designing this set, coming up with this busted card, then printing it as a mythic rare, can we have 100 dollars now seriously that's how much the playset is for this card, not cheap if i do say so.

Primeval Titan - The power level of this set just jumped from insane, to mind boggling, personally if you've got a playset of these, keep em, green needs this power boost for sure, trample for a 6/6 that fetches any land including legendary land, extended is going to have a field day with this beast.

Obstinate Baloth - Perhaps the perfect answer to jund ever printed, let's see 4 life when it comes into play, when it's caused to be discarded it comes back to the battlefield, 4/4 with only rare value, seriously Jund is screwed for the next 2 months due to this, mono green has nothing to fear but fear itself.

Jace's Inguentiy - Seriously brainstorm for 5 except you don't discard, seriously this seems like the kind of thing no one expected, possibly the best late game draw spell ever printed, plus this happens to be a ability of a certain 80 dollar planeswalker.

Gaea's Revenge - The last big card of this set i feel that is worth it, shroud plus haste for a 8/5 for 7 that can't be countered, i can see that wizards was smart and made the colour balanced, i like it good really good just beater card.

Alright well that's the ten however there is a lot more in which i want to discuss, firstly the amount of cards most would think that are worth in this set are actually more then what was listed, there are possibly 30 good cards in this set, i just listed my top ten i can see people disagreeing, agreeing and somewhat meh on the list, because there are far better on the set list then i listed. However it also seems like when drafters manage to draft this set, it turns into a rare draft format, since of course everyone decides to put 2-3 rares from this in their draft decks, which is not recommended, i'll make another article on the draft format for this soon enough, just gotta come with some unique idea or something of that nature, till next time peace.

1 comment:

Bou said...

I never could get into Magic the Gathering - I partially blame that on being burnt out on card games after years (through junior high and high school) of playing Yu-Gi-Oh!

Yeah, I am kind of lame. Hah. Anyway, its not that I don't like MTG, cause I do, I like going and watching people play sometimes - just something I guess that is not for me to be involved in, but more if a side line type of person.

Anyway, to not ramble on - its nice to see some insight on this stuff from you. Not only will it help me understand it a bit more but it could possibly draw me into wanting to eventually get involved with it.

And even though I don't play, I do own a card - I'm kind of an impulse buyer you could say but about a year ago I bought the card Liliana Vess.