Darksteel Citadel
Seat of the Synod
Mishra's Factory (new art)
Stalking Stones
Island (x20)
Argivian Restoration
Thirst for Knowledge (x2)
Moonglove Extract
Echoing Truth
Trip Noose
Energy Chamber
Contagion Clasp (SoM Preview Card)
Elixir of Immortality
AEther Spellbomb
Everflowing Chalice (x2)
Razormane Masticore
Clockwork Hydra
Faerie Mechanist
Synod Centurion
Clockwork Condor
Trinket Mage
Master of Etherium
Serrated Biskelion
Steel Overseer
Silver Myr
Runed Servitor (x2)
Steel Wall
Arcbound Worker
Tezzeret the Seeker
Daru Encampment
Kabira Crossroads
Rustic Clachan
Plains (x22)
Blinding Beam
Swell of Courage
Crusade (New Art)
Razor Barrier
Raise the Alarm (x2)
Mighty Leap
Journey to Nowhere
Swords to Plowshares (x2 New Art)
Angel of Salvation
Conclave Equenaut
Catapult Master
Stormfront Riders
Conclave Phalanx
Seasoned Marshal
Celestial Crusader
Kemba's Skyguard (SoM Preview)
Kor Hookmaster
Burrenton Bombardier
Kor Aeronaut
Temple Acolyte
Kor Skyfisher (x2)
Glory Seeker
Mosquito Guard
Loyal Sentry
Infantry Veteran
Goldmeadow Harrier
Elite Vanguard (x2)
Darksteel Citadel
Seat of the Synod
Mishra's Factory (new art)
Stalking Stones
Island (x20)
Argivian Restoration
Thirst for Knowledge (x2)
Moonglove Extract
Echoing Truth
Trip Noose
Energy Chamber
Contagion Clasp (SoM Preview Card)
Elixir of Immortality
AEther Spellbomb
Everflowing Chalice (x2)
Razormane Masticore
Clockwork Hydra
Faerie Mechanist
Synod Centurion
Clockwork Condor
Trinket Mage
Master of Etherium
Serrated Biskelion
Steel Overseer
Silver Myr
Runed Servitor (x2)
Steel Wall
Arcbound Worker
Tezzeret the Seeker
Daru Encampment
Kabira Crossroads
Rustic Clachan
Plains (x22)
Blinding Beam
Swell of Courage
Crusade (New Art)
Razor Barrier
Raise the Alarm (x2)
Mighty Leap
Journey to Nowhere
Swords to Plowshares (x2 New Art)
Angel of Salvation
Conclave Equenaut
Catapult Master
Stormfront Riders
Conclave Phalanx
Seasoned Marshal
Celestial Crusader
Kemba's Skyguard (SoM Preview)
Kor Hookmaster
Burrenton Bombardier
Kor Aeronaut
Temple Acolyte
Kor Skyfisher (x2)
Glory Seeker
Mosquito Guard
Loyal Sentry
Infantry Veteran
Goldmeadow Harrier
Elite Vanguard (x2)
Right off the bat you'll notice the deck theme, artificiers vs soldiers which seems common and a unusual battle, however in this case there are a couple of cards you'll notice off the bat which have the words (SOM preview) this being kemba's skyguard and of course contagion clasp, one for each deck and i'll provide links to the pictures here ----> Link to Photos in which the artwork and abilites of both particular cards are revealed, that being said let's go onto the basics, as you can Elspeth's deck is full of ass kicking soldiers in which are very good for the most part, that being Kor Skyfisher, Infantry Veteran and of course the big walker herself Elspeth, Knight Errant.
Now you may also be wondering what is a artificer easy a artificer is described as the following [A magical technologist whom doesn't use spells but ancient infusions of power, capturing essences of magic and containing them within the special device the wielder carries around, using it to do battle] each one of course is different and has a wide array of special abilites and casting costs in the tezzert deck including Master of Etherium, Trinket Mage and many others including Tezzert the Seeker himself with brand new artwork in which is nice, both of the decks have a well rounded feel and are able to cast spells pretty easily, considering each walker is valued at a different price, the feel of the value alone is worth the money you pay for the duel deck, in which you get 5 rares and a 2 mythic rares including in this deck, the mythics being the walkers which are both priced at about 10 and 20 dollars respectably these days.
You get a nice decent chunk of land with each one too including some very brand new art on Mishra's Factory in which it has been revamped and redone to suit the new style of artifacts represented, as well as some of the soldiers themselves, each having their own art from the sets there were in, being core sets or the block set in general. Overall if your looking for your money's worth this is one of the duel decks to pick up as we will see both Tezzert and Elspeth in the next block set, Scars of Mirrodin as well as being both completely legal again for the entire 2 years this block will be in play, i'd recommend this duel deck if your a fan of these special offers WotC tends to put out once or twice a year depending of course if they got the materials to do so.
Now onto the little negative bit about this duel deck, there are not very many 2 of's in this and that is one of the precon decks real troubles, since most decks these days end up having 3 or 4's of one specific card in them i can't see the reason why wizards wouldn't take the time to properly print a deck with at least some good 2's and 3's of but it's wizards call not mine, also it would raise the price from 20 to about 30 if they did that since the MSRP has been screwing people over on FTV:Relics or as i like to call it, 15 cards that are overpriced, anyhoo enough ranting and this is vergil signing off.
Now onto the little negative bit about this duel deck, there are not very many 2 of's in this and that is one of the precon decks real troubles, since most decks these days end up having 3 or 4's of one specific card in them i can't see the reason why wizards wouldn't take the time to properly print a deck with at least some good 2's and 3's of but it's wizards call not mine, also it would raise the price from 20 to about 30 if they did that since the MSRP has been screwing people over on FTV:Relics or as i like to call it, 15 cards that are overpriced, anyhoo enough ranting and this is vergil signing off.