Friday, January 27, 2012

Dark Ascension Prerelease Primer

As per usual with the prerelease of a new set, let's go over the information on the Dark Ascension prereleases which happen around the world at your local game store this weekend, bear in mind some of this information is more recent.

Some prereleases around the world will have a Monsters vs Humans theme going on with Monsters from all different tribes being chosen out of the various players, the 4 tribes are Werewolves, Vampires, Spirits and Zombies which depending on the size of your prerelease will be different, each prerelease will be giving away the card of choice as per usual which is

Ravenous Demon/Archdemon of Greed and these promos will be in quite a large supply as per the policy of Wizards of the Coast or at least i hope so when it comes around to picking one of these up, some prereleases will be occuring on both days of the weekend at some game stores around the world, for more information on this i suggest you look at your local game store where you go to play magic.

For your prerelease it also depends on your LGS but the standard tradition for a 2nd set is the following 3 packs of the first set, in this case Innistrad and 3 packs of the new set which in this case is Dark Ascension, if your prerelease is 6 packs of Dark Ascension however feel free to report their butts to wizards since they are in violation of the prerelease rules in regards to the product they can give out for the event, each event will be usually 5-6 rounds of round robins with packs being given out at the end of the event for prize distrbution of course.

Of course as always please be sure to have fun while playing the game of Magic and that you adhere to the code of conduct of being a magic player, which is always be professional, after all it's just a game but people often judge others on their code of conduct so keep that in mind, anyways for those attending this weekend's events be sure to have fun and enjoy the Dark Ascension prerelease events happening worldwide, because next week the set is officially released to the world, this is vergil signing off.

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