Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Friday Night Magic Token Cards

With march winding down there's the old addage, in like a lion, out like a lamb and in this case with this month it's been a rather slow month in the terms of magic news for the emporium, so today let's take a look at some interesting token cards that are going to be given out at Friday Night Magic's around the world on April 6th, 2012, which also is a full moon that night as well.

These two particular tokens are going to be given out on April 6th's Friday Night Magic events, to all particpants of the event, but here's the sweet factor, they are the same card, but different sides, so for the first time in magic history there is a Double Sided Token card printed which is interesting to say the least, if you want to see the arcana containing more information, please see the link below.

Token Arcana ---> Double Sided Token Arcana

However that will about do it for this edition, because the count down continues for Avacyn Restored previews, yes, previews begin April 9th, that's 11 days till we find out what lies in Avacyn Restored's first official spoilers of course, but until next time, this is vergil signing off.

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