Thursday, April 19, 2012

Avacyn Restored Spoilers: Day 4, Week 2

Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of Avacyn Restored spoilers, today of course is the second last day of week 2 of these, we are pretty much rounding down spoiler season considering as of this date, over 150 cards of the set have been revealed, my official spoilers will of course start monday with thoughts on every card in the set, without further ado let's begin Avacyn Restored spoilers for thursday starting with the stuff we missed yesterday.

Holy fricking crap batman, did i just see a huge EDH bomb hit me, yes i did, introducing Malignus whom is also mythic #14 of the set, meaning we got 1 more to go before we know em all, his power and toughness are equal to the half the highest life total among your opponents, rounded up of course and damage that would be dealt by him can't be prevented, as well as costing 3, red, red, sign me up immediately here, i love this card, a lot, enough fan gasms about this one, let's see what else today brought.

Terminus huh, this doesn't sound too bad honestly for 6 mana originally you put all creatures on the bottom of their owner's libraries, it has miracle which makes it cost a single white mana, whoa, this seems good, but in limited only.

Yes another dragon, but a good one at that, Flying, Haste and at the beginning of the end return Archwing Dragon to it's owner's hand, it's a 4/4 and costs 4 mana, so you get what you pay for, it's a rare too so expect not to see it as often as you would like.

So this is our last card that was previewed, Infinite Reflection which is basically a new copy spell but for all your creatures, it's a aura that costs 6 mana, is a limited powerhouse and is a rare, i honestly don't like this card for some reason, it's too plain, i can see reprinting some other card, but this is kinda lack luster.

Anyways that's it for today, tommorow should hopefully be the last official day of previews, if my calculations are correct, since we will probably be getting the entire set spoiler on Monday, so for now this is vergil signing off.

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