Saturday, April 21, 2012

Avacyn Restored Tokens

Hello folks and welcome to this special saturday edition of the emporium, where today we will take a look at all the neat token cards we are going to get in Avacyn Restored and i will talk about what makes these tokens as well, so without further ado let's begin.

Of course having a emblem means you gotta have a emblem token to go along with it, Tamiyo just does that, since her ultimate ability is listed on the token itself, i am kind of glad they are printing these emblems officially honestly.

Two different cards make these, 4/4 angels that fly of course, Moonsilver Spear and Entreat the Angels which are two different things entirely, but the Spear is super interesting as it seems more geared towards EDH players, the token generator spell is more geared towards constructed though.

1/1 humans are courtesy of a card i never even talked about Commander's Authority, but here's a difference there are 2 types of human tokens in this set, one for white and the other for the other type i'm going to talk about.

For the first time in Magic's history, we get 1/1 red human tokens, this is impressive honestly and these are generated courtesy of another card i never talked about called Thatcher Revolt but i assure you i will talk about this card in my official spoilers, so let's continue.

Of course demons are back as well 5/5 flying beasts of death generated of course by Demonic Rising that 5 drop enchantment that was talked about earlier this week, of which i'm kind of impressed with, but let's see what else AVR has in store for token generators.

Something in Avacyn Restored generates both blue and white 1/1 spirits that fly, it hasn't even been seen yet in the previews, but we know there is a Blue card which generates 1/1 spirits and a white card that does the same for this set.

Last but certainly not least is our zombie token of the set, a reused one from Innistrad and something black generates 2/2 black zombies, hopefully we learn of it sometime this week.

Anyways that's it for this edition of the emporium, i normally do not bother with saturday editions but with me i just wanted to talk about these things, the tokens, until next time this is vergil signing off.

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