Friday, July 6, 2012

Magic 2013 Prerelease Primer

With the full set of Magic 2013 spoiled and of course it being prerelease time let's go over the prerelease primer once again for this particular set in question, starting with the basics.

As per the norm for every prerelease it's sealed deck booster draft, meaning you will be given 6 boosters of M13 to draft with, to make your 40 card deck and of course the pool you draft will be yours to keep after the event. For signing up for the event you'll receive the promotion card below.

This promotion card is handed to you upon entry by the local store you go to, where ever that is in the world, entry is normally 25-30 dollars per prerelease these days and depending on the store you go to, specific prizes will be handed out for depending on where you finish as well as door prizes for the event, depending on where you go to play.

As per usual you CANNOT use your promo in your draft deck for the event, even if you do not draft it and it looks mighty tempting to add into for the event, it is a seriously bad idea to do this. Events such as this usually last about 6 to 7 rounds, depending on the amount of time taken per round but you should be finished the event before the store closes hopefully. Again i consistently remind people if a store owner says they are a judge, ask them to show their judge's certificate before they start throwing out rulings, because if they aren't officially judges they cannot give you a ruling unless there is no judge present for the event. Last but certainly not least i encourage all of you fine folks to have fun at the event, remember Magic 2013 comes out 1 week from today officially, so enjoy, this is vergil signing off.

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