Saturday, May 21, 2011

Casual Deck Examination #5 Mono Black Life and Death

As affectionately as i am calling this deck it's a devestating multiplayer deck that deals direct damage and sits back and watches all the other opponents die off, let's begin with the basics first the list itself

Lands = 23
4 Piranha Marsh
19 Swamp

The reason for the Piranha marsh is the turn 1 play into a blood seeker is usually the most common thing this deck produces, usually someone always starts at 19 life when i play this card and lead into my creature base, let's look at that.

Creatures = 16
4 Howling Banshee
4 Infectious Horror
4 Blood Seeker
4 Pulse Tracker

Reasoning behind this is simple, each one of these has a direct life loss effect and can really effect the game in the long run, Infectious Horror is a surprise card i know but let's look at it this way, 4 drop for a 2/2 that when it attacks each opponent loses 2 life, great card personally and it's a underrated card which i will probably have to take a look at sometime in the future, Pulse Tracker and Howling Banshee are great Bloodchief Ascension triggers and provide the necessary 3 counters for the card, Blood seeker is a great mass creature deck dude as most decks end up playing about 20-24 creatures without tokens of course, mass tokens though being the most devestating deck this card can go against, multiples of this dude mean a opponent is dead if they play a lot of creatures, Spells wise this is where the deck shows off the awesomeness it has

Spells = 23
3 Consume Spirit
3 Bloodchief Ascension
4 Mindcrank
3 Corrupt
3 Tendrils of Corruption
4 Blood Tithe
3 Needlebite Trap

Consume Spirit itself is a kill card of choice as it basically says no on turn 4 with 2 damage to something activating the Ascension for the third and final time hopefully, Mindcrank is a necessity since the combo requires 4 of it and Mindcrank is a definte must buy card even at a dollar per copy it's still a worthwhile card for the deck since lifeloss and Mill are probably the most definte combo this deck has to offer, Blood Tithe, Trap and Corrupt are excellent ways to stay alive of someone else's expense in the deck and say no to the usual life gainer deck of Soul Warden's, Attendants and Priests all of which are a necessity for their deck of choice.

Overall this deck is really cheap to build and if your looking for a budget build which is a mutliplayer killer, look no further, since this deck is a nasty way to die, even on turn 4 or 5 with the Ascension/Mindcrank combo coming along in the deck, you are sure to have as much fun as i did when i built this deck, but i know it could use some finishers, probably some removal and such instead of the Tendrils, something along the lines of Doom Blade or Terror to do the trick, anyhoo that covers it for this edition stay tuned for the next edition of this where i take a look at the new soul sisters build i made exclusively for a casual feel, this is vergil signing off.

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