Friday, May 6, 2011

New Phyrexia Spoilers Part 8: Final Thoughts

So we've reached the end of the barrel with the new phyrexia spoilers, from all the usual crap to seeing the entire set spoiled so far in advance it's not even funny, prereleases are gonna be a blast this weekend with the local game store owners being busy about this, as well as the fact there is gonna be a lot of players at each one of these so my best suggestion is to have fun, make sure your LGS has a judge and NO CHEATING, i mean it too.

Let's take a look see at the top 5 cards with massive potential in my eyes

5. Mental Misstep - What can i say this counters all 1 drop spells and costs 1 mana, can you say legacy potential here.

4. Phyrexian Obliterator - He basically says go ahead and do damage you lose that many permanents, not bad personally and this is sure to be a extended powerhouse.

3. Karn Released - This massive planeswalker giant that walks among men is sure to impact legacy and be featured in ramp decks the world over, i mean who doesn't love a vindicate or sharazad for that matter.

2. Batterskull - Living weapon on a dang baneslayer is nasty but this dude on a titan, your asking to die quickly, this is the best living weapon of the entire block personally.

1. Deceiver Exarch - What can i say a combo with splinter twin, it basically makes itself infinte for a single turn, what could be better the new pestermite for standard in my eyes.

Well that covers it for the spoilers for the set, see you all next spoiler season for the Core set of Magic 2012, this is vergil signing off.

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