Friday, May 27, 2011

Commander Update Part 1: New Promos

So the time has pretty much arrived when the new commander cards will slowly be spoiled and well promos are nice and but we have actual photos of the cards and what they do observe the viewing globe and take a look at Skullbriar, the Walking Grave

Nasty eh let's examine him he costs 1 black and 1 green mana to summon, has haste, gets +1/+1 counters when he deals combat damage to players, counters remain on him as it moves to any other zone but the library or hand and starts as a 1/1, nasty seriously nasty as a general, he's a zombie elemental so he fits right into either and or deck type, he's a bad ass when it comes down to it personally, as well as the fact i love black/green generals which cause massive damage and that most of the time, onto the next one in the form of Edric, Spymaster of Trest.

You have to be kidding me a elf rogue with 2/2 power and toughness, costs 1, a blue and a green to summon, whenever a creature deals combat damage to a opponent, that creature's controller gets to draw a card, as well as being a legendary creature, is this seriously better then Momir Vig, Simic Visionary. Hell yes it is, not only does it reward for combat tricks but itself is a creature that allows for massive card draw, no standard evergreen keywords on this dude but he don't need none to be effective during combat, onto the final general in the form of a nasty White/Black vampire known as Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter. 

Oh my dear god, this thing is utterly so much fun, flying and lifelink, very cute wizards very cute, you sacrifice a creature and put X +1/+1 counters on this dude where X is the sacrificed creature's power, so this essentially means you can make this dude a 20/20 in the late game with recursion. Removing all those counters though gives another creature -1/-1 per counter removed this way, so this is the field clearing ability for that matter at a 5/5 balance of power and toughness seriously this is a 5/5 you're just asking for a bad boy vampire for sure, note it's only a rare and seems to me like this would end up being useful for a Black/White build around this dude since there are a lot of cards which do so.

That's about all she wrote for this one, till next time this is vergil signing off.

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