Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Magic 2012 Update Part 2: Why the Core Set Sometimes Sucks

Well you may remember last year's battle of Giant Growth vs Giant Spider why everything has to be a Giant i don't know but i do not care, since these were the last two cards ever reprinted in every core set to date it's only natural one of them get Axed for this new core set, be prepared for the results um because they are less then favourable and the winner is

Giant Spider, yes this is the only reprint remaining from the original core set, it's survived 14 reprint cycles and might be the last time we see this card in any form, since a possibility is this could get axed next year with the rise of Magic 2013 but let's look at it this way, core sets are supposed to be chockful of reprints as well as new cards, most of the time though each core set has a new flavour and feel to it, meaning that when and if the core set ever does decide to stray away from the normal things it does then that means wizards is doing something wrong. Giant Growth on the other hand got the Axe due to Mutagenic Growth being a better pump spell in standard right now and besides do we really need 2 pump spells hell no we don't so i am personally glad Growth is gone and the Spider has returned for possibly the last time in a core set.

Anyhoo that's about it today since news was slow and painful so till next time this is vergil signing off.

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