Monday, June 20, 2011

Ban List Update: June 20th, 2011

And the menace of Caw-Blade is dead ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another edition of the Emporium with me as your host, today we got perhaps the biggest news of the month, Jace the Mind Sculptor and Stoneforge Mystic got banned in standard, yes Banned so this means as of July 1st, 2011 these cards are no longer legal in any standard event, which means hooray the king is dead and buried at last, for those looking for the Ban announcement i will post it at the end of the article but here's a little excerpt from said announcement.

Jace, the Mind Sculptor is banned.
Stoneforge Mystic is banned.

Exception: The deck list for the "War of Attrition" Event Deck will be legal in Standard if kept completely intact. That deck, which went on sale on June 10, contains two copies of Stoneforge Mystic.

Bannings effective as of July 1st on Paper, June 29th on MTGO

That means the War of Attrition Deck with the two copies of Stoneforge mystic is allowed however it must remain the entire list, it cannot be altered in any way, if it is the two copies of Mystic must be removed from the deck itself, due to this announcement though JTMS has started to drop in price he tanked from a clear 80 to a now present 60 as reported here by starcitygames Jace the Mind Sculptor price which means the following in the next month he'll tank again to 40 due to his retardness in this format, let's face it folks i don't like Caw-Blade ever since Brian Kibler introduced it last year at worlds, it just didn't please me at all, let's face it we had 1 sword at the time this deck was created, a bunch of crap equipment and with Mirrodin Besieged we got us the efficent Sword of Feast and Famine which pretty much rocks the decklist as it's prime target before New Phyrexia came out.

After New Phyrexia though we got 2 more targets for the Mystic in the form of Sword of War and Peace and Batterskull in which Batterskull became prime target no 1 in the deck for Mystic to cheat into play, maybe alongside Argentum Armor from SOM but that's a different story, now that the Caw-Blade menace is dead we can perhaps move into a more intense and more fun deck building standard again, because let's face it no one wanted to drop 400 dollars for a set of Jace, the Mind Sculptor ever who played a FNM or some stuff like that, for the completion explanation as to why these cards were banned check here which is the Banned List Explanation ---> Explanation 

Perhaps though this means the format can be once again a fun standard format, with perhaps stuff like Valakut decks, Vampires, Mono Black control, all that neat stuff may rise when the banned list takes effect as of the end of this month basically, i for 1 am happy this was to take place today, we knew something had to get banned just i was expecting it to be these 2 stupid ass worldwake cards which have no right to exist, dammit you let the cards slip through development wizards nice and let standard break for the 2nd time this decade with the first being Affinity which had to get broken up due to it's power level.

Anyhoo that's about it for this one, the tank is half empty now due to the banning and means standard will no longer have to fear the menace of Caw-Blade or Dark-Blade ever again in it's last 3 months before the rotation, sleep well magic players, sleep well knowing it is gone forever, here's the announcement as i promised too ---> B&R List Announcement which details the entire thing, till next time magic fans, stay frosty and remember metagames can be fun again without a stagnant deck to ruin it, this is vergil signing off.

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