Monday, January 3, 2011

Mirrodin Besieged Discussion Part 1: Current Spoilers

Alright for those whom follow this on a daily basis you know how much i like to talk about possibilites of sets and the cards in those sets as always, this time it's time to talk about the second set of the fall block, Mirrodin Besieged and all it's glorious cards that have been spoiled, discussed and all that neat stuff, so let's get straight into the rumours, confirmed cards and much much more shall we?

Now as of this point there are 7 confirmed cards for Mirrodin Besieged and the 7 are as follows, Hero of Bladehold, Mirran Crusader, Phyrexian Crusader, Glissa the Traitor, Peace Strider, Pierce Strider and Thopter Assembly, these are merely 7 out of the 155 cards of this set but let's start with the first one of the list, Hero of Bladehold. Now hero of bladehold has a unique new mechanic for Mirrodin Besieged and that is Battle cry, this provides attacking monsters when this attacks a +1/+0 for all attacking monsters and this ability does stack by the way for those curious so you don't need to worry, also since this is not a legendary you don't need to fear the legendary rules for this card at all in fact, it's kinda of nice to have 4 of, did i mention this is a mythic card and not a regular rare?, so guess what that means it's gonna be a very decent price for this one card since it's already vauled at 10 dollars US at the time of this article thanks to but i digress it's time to move into the pure light of mirrodin's five suns.

Mirran Crusader or the new Paladin En-Vec as i like to call it has some interesting qualities for a really regular rare and it's abilites are as similar as one would think from a early spoiled card, i mean a 2/2 that has double strike, protection from green and black and only costs 3 mana to summon can you say i just owned you son, of course you can you should be able to read this article when it is finished as always. I feel this is the added inclusion into the new white weenie deck for standard as we already have some decent knights and equipments for the deck as a whole, but a bunch of speculation aside this is a mere 3 dollars right now and this is supposed to be a promo card for when you buy a box of mirrodin besieged on release, seriously this is underwhelming and awesome in some respect but it's early in the spoiler season and there are still 148 cards to go to spoil.

Phyrexian Crusader seeing as how it was spoiled at the same exact time as Mirran Crusader is the champion knight of the phyrexian side, considering the fact it's a 2/2 with first strike and protection from white and red, however it may end up being a good thing since it does contain infect it's a infect beast since first strike occurs before anything else possible, so infect may become a viable strategy in standard one of these days, we just have to wait and see how set 3 of the fall block turns out to be. I think it's time to talk about our first legendary now in the form of Glissa, The Traitor this little beast of a card has deathtouch, first strike and has a recursion ability in for artifacts also it's a pure black green gold card, meaning both cards that effect black and green will work for this also giving it a chance to work a lot better, on the other hand she is a legendary meaning the legendary rule applies, did i mention she's a prerelease promo as well if you choose the phyrexian side of the fight at your local prerelease party held at a wizards play network store near you, of course i didn't that's why i mentioned it now.

Now it's onto the artifacts that were spoiled, there are 3 to discuss and all of them are different in their own respect let's begin with a game day promo that was handed for having 10 of the specific faction of cards in your game day deck, one of them was a card known as Peace Strider, a 3/3 artifact for 4 mana and it gives 3 life back to the player whom cast it when it enters the battlefield, there isn't much to say seeing as how it was a part of the first pair of spoiled cards and is the mirran's answer to the phyrexian menace, now let us move onto the menace's answer to dealing with the pure mirrans. Pierce Strider is a mean menace in itself as if you had ten cards from phyrexia in your game day deck you got this promo card at your game day, it is also a 3/3 for 4 mana and it deals 3 damage to a target player upon entering the battlefield, also not much to discuss about this since it's the last of the pair that was first brought out over 3 months ago as of this article.

Thopter assembly may be the single greatest bomb threat in MBS with the fact it generates tokens when no other thopters are on the field other then this card and it's a rare for 6 mana and it's a 5/5 flyer, talk about some peace of work huh, it basically makes 5 smaller versions of itself that are great for blocking in the late game and can obviously win anything it chooses, this may end up being the single greatest artifact of the set, provided there are no serious bombs to throw off your opponent, also did i mention this is the release promo when you play in release events worldwide come feburary. Anyhoo that about covers it for this edition of Mirrodin besieged discussion, in part 2 i'll cover rumours and alot more to come this week stay tuned and till next article this is vergil signing off

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