Saturday, January 15, 2011

Mirrodin Besieged Orbs of Insight

Now the orb of insight is a widely useful tool which gives away various secrets in the upcoming sets now there is two orbs, one for each faction, one phyrexian, one mirran but they are reversed in the order as the phyrexian one reveals mirran secrets and the mirran orb reveals phyrexian secrets. This is a tad confusing for most at the first glance but when you get used to the confusion there is a lot to be revealed.

Both orbs can be found here ----> Mirran Orb and Phyrexian Orb meaning each one side has a various array of new things to look for, IE: new mechanics, old mechanics and even evergreen keywords in general which is sure to entertain even the most hardcore of magic players, though the orb has been out since wednesday as of this posting i wanted to make it known for those whom not have yet had the chance to experience this wonderful tool of insight.

This is another short article though since i don't really think anything else warrants your attention at this point, so till next article, spoiler season begins in 2 days and that, so till next time this is vergil signing off.

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