Thursday, January 20, 2011

Mirrodin Besieged Tokens

 Alrighty so this article is devoted to the tokens of Mirrodin Besieged and the fact they are so darn cool to look at let's see there is five in all and each one is a different one that spawns off various cards so let us begin

 The thopter dude here spawns off Thopter Assembly and it's a 1/1 flyer for a token, which is not bad if i must admit, tokens don't often have flying and in this case it's entirely nice to see flying back on tokens even if it has only been like a year since the last time this evergreen keyword was used on this kind of card.

 The horror dude here spawns straight outta the card Phyrexian Rebirth and it's as deadly as they come, this could end up being a 6/6 most occasions on par with some powerful mythics like Wurmcoil Engine and even the Titans but no one can say for certain.

No one knows what this black zombie spawns off of yet, however it's safe to say it's gotta be a phyrexian card since the art and that looks like it's pretty dang creepy to be honest, though i'd like to see this card in the next while wizards.

Ah the golem token, this one spawns off of Titan Forge and each one of these bad boys are a 9/9 when they hit the board meaning they are hard to deal with, but artifact removal is very apparent in this set, so we could see these guys being removed rather effciently.

Lastly we have our 0/0 germ token that spawns off the mechanic Living Weapon, whatever power this thing is it is nasty and can be easily destroyed, however the equipment attached to this cannot be destroyed unless it's done by things like Shatter or some thing, so it's a benefit to having this as a target for a removal spell, that is all she wrote today, i just wanted to give you guys a heads up on the tokens for the set as a whole and as a token collector these interest me greatly who knows what these may bring when the time comes, till next time this is vergil signing off.

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