Monday, January 24, 2011

Mirrodin Besieged Prerelease Information [Where to go for your local prerelease]

Now this article i've decided to dedicate to the fact there is a prerelease coming up and i felt it necessary to address this thing, your local card shop/collectibles store usually has these things going on in your local area, of course provided there are wizards's of the coast's official retailers for their products as well, most stores in my general area have these events scheduled for this weekend at 12 pm, depending on your time zone/area you live in of course. If you wish to learn which stores host these events i would recommend looking at this useful little tool called the Wizard's Play Network Store Finder which will be linked at the end of this article.

For each prerelease you are given one card that signifys you've been in the event and particpated in a fashion that is acustomed for a magic the gathering player, for those new to the format let me break it down for you, usually for the second set of a fall block, you are given 3 booster packs of the previous set, in this case Scars of Mirrodin and three booster packs of the latest set or in this case Mirrodin Besieged however things are a tad different this time, since of course you will be given 3 special faction packs of your choice to go either phyrexian or mirran for your draft which have various cards from that particular side, also if you choose to go mirran you will receive a Hero of Bladehold Prerelease Card and if you choose to go Phyrexian you will receive a Glissa, The Traitor prerelease card, though this is the only prerelease to have factions thus far, it probably will not be the last at all.

Each location may vary in the number of players however the normal limit for most stores i've known about is about 64 players per event, sometimes the store owner even decides to hold two events of a prerelease in one weekend though you would have to check with your local retailer or card shop for more information. Prereleases always consist of 6 rounds of sealed deck booster drafting where you make the best deck possible of the 6 packs provided, you are NOT allowed to use the prerelease card you were given at all otherwise the store owner may disqualify you at his/her own discretion and you will more then likely be banned from events at your local store/card shop. Before the event usually you are allowed free time to chat and that before assigned seating most of the time, provided the number of players is large which it normally is in the cases of most stores. You are normally given 1 hour to build your deck which is plenty of time, land is always provided by the retailer and is usually plentiful, there is always usually a judge/certified rules manager at these events so if you have questions or concerns regarding a card or two feel free to ask the judge/rules manager present at the event and ask for a ruling clarifying how the card interacts with various things.

Other then that it's have fun, door prizes are normally given away during rounds and is always random so your chance of getting a prize is always the same regardless of how many people attend since the randomness of the door prizes may vary on what the owner has in stock at the time. So go out this weekend and have a blast at your local prerelease and kick some serious butt, but remember it's just a game and not to be taken too seriously this is vergil signing off.

Store and Event Locator

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