Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mirrodin Besieged Updates -Warning Major Spoiler Alert-

So as of this point we have seen 46 out of a possible 155 cards of mirrodin besieged, this set though it is small has a decent number of cards, more so then worldwake which came out around this time last year, again though we only have one planeswalker and here he is in all his glory, Tezzert, Agent of Bolas

This right here is the real deal, let's take a look at what he can do, first thing first is his loyalty it is 3 for a 4 drop that is awesome, jace beleren starts at 3 for a 3 drop that's pretty awesome too, His +1 ability though is intruging since it fetches artifacts from your library and makes them go into your hand, meaning the more artifacts you have, the more useful this becomes, His -1 ability is even better it makes non creature artifacts into creatures and attackers in general which ends the game even faster and in a heavy artifact set such as Mirrodin Besieged he is more useful in this manner, His -4 ability does direct damage to target players in the amount of artifacts you control times 2 and gives that much back in life to you the player whom controls him, who wants to bet this will start at 25 dollars US and go up because of his 2nd and 3rd abilites, huh well that's all she wrote for this one, i just wanted to give a major alert to you all for the fact i've been conducting spoilers for magic now since 2011's core set came out and i am loving every minute of it, till next time this is vergil signing off.

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